Betta Fish Kits
Click image to see beautiful and affordable betta fish kits

Male Siamese Fighting Fish
More betta fish for sale than you can imagine

The first thing you need to know about the betta fish experts is that we’ve been keeping pet owners happy for over 50 years. Long before the internet came around our team of betta experts were caring for pets and pet owners. At, we feel lucky to have enjoyed such longevity in the industry. We accredit our success to two main factors.
The first is that we make all decisions based on the needs of our client base and what you are looking for. Without you, we wouldn’t be here! Our clients feel confident knowing that we do everything in our power to keep them satisfied. We have the highest repeat customer ratio in the business. In fact, some of our clients have been with us for half a century!
The second reason for our success is that we have always cared just as deeply for your pets as we have for you. Our customer service, expert advice and our product design are all geared to keeping your betta fish in perfect health. It’s really an easy formula: healthy bettas equal happy clients.
Our staff are accredited pet experts and leaders in the field of beta fish care and health, as well as how to guide owners in preventing betta illness. We have always realized that we wouldn’t be here without our devoted client base. That’s why we not only provide the best products, but free betta fish care instructions, advice and remedies to ensure that your beautiful fighting fish stays as healthy as the day you bought it. Check out our beta fish care FAQ section which answers most of the challenges that beta owners face.
When we set out to create we adapted the same approach as we use for every aspect of our business. That is, we need to create the absolute best product in the industry or it’s not worth doing.
We looked at what was out there and we immediately recognized the site we needed to build. We looked to create the online version of what we’ve always offered our clients: unparalleled customer service paired with the best products and pricing available. Our site is dedicated to making it easier to care for your betta fish, to keep you informed and to answer any questions you may have. We are very satisfied and excited about the product that we’ve created. The results are in and our site is now the proven leader in the industry. We’ve created yet another product that satisfies the needs of our client base!
1. Unparalleled beta fish information from our experts
2. cutting edge products at guaranteed lowest prices online!
3. Second to none customer service
4. Industry leaders in preventing Beta fish diseases
If you have any questions about the Betta Fish Experts and what we offer, please feel free to contact us.
Click image to see beautiful and affordable betta fish kits
More betta fish for sale than you can imagine
It was hard to find a reliable place online to buy betta fish females. Thanks for making it safe and easy. We have started breeding new bettas ourselves!