If you are looking for the most common betta diseases
In addition to describing the symptoms of each disease, you are given the most effective treatment for each illness.
1) Fungal Infection: Your betta has pale patches on his head and body. This can be treated quite easily.
2) Tail Rot / Fin Rot: This is possibly the most common of the fighting fish diseases. The tail and fins get continually shorter. This is usually caused by dirty water. Cleaning the tank and treating the betta fish will alleviate the problem. Remember not to over feed your rumble fish as this is often the cause of the dirty water. Also, keep an eye on your betta fish. If this illness is detected early, it is not fatal.
3) Betta Ick: Betta ick is a parasite. The result is white dots all over your betta fish. This can be treated with Aquarisol. We also recommend that you change the water in the tank and give the aquarium a good cleaning before you put your rumble fish back in its home.
4) Betta Velvet: Betta velvet is another parasite. In this case, the result is your betta looking like it has been sprayed with gold dust. This can be treated with Bettazing. Again, we also recommend that you change the water in the tank and give the aquarium a good cleaning before you put your rumble fish back in its home.
5) Betta Popeye: Betta popeye is a bacterial infection. It is easy to detect as your rumble fish will have a bulging eye. Like most of the most common betta diseases, it’s usually caused by dirty water in the tank. It can be treated with ampicillin and again, make sure to clean the tank regularly.
6) Betta Dropsy: This is the most serious of betta diseases and can be fatal. Betta fish dropsy is believed to be caused by feeding live food to your rumble fish. We recommend that you stick to Nutrafin betta max foods. These foods have been designed specifically for domesticated fighting fish. Again, keep the water clean and hopefully your betta will recover.
7) Betta Parasites: This is also usually caused by feeding live food to your betta. Remember that most of the live food that you find contains an internal parasite that you’ll be in effect feeding to your previously healthy betta fish. We recommend that you stick to Nutrafin betta max foods. These foods have been designed specifically for domesticated fighting fish. Again, keep the water clean and hopefully your betta will recover.
8) Betta fish swim bladder disorder: This is caused by over feeding your betta fish. Remember to only feed your betta what he can eat in 30 seconds to a minute. This is way less than you would think.
9) Betta Inflamed Gills: This can be caused by toxins in the water of your tank. It is also possible that your betta may have been born with a defective gill. You’ll diagnose this by noticing that his gills do not close all the way. This will make his breathing difficult and strained. The best treatment is cleaning the tank water and giving your betta fish ampicillin.
Linda, Manchester England