Betta Fish Kits
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Male Siamese Fighting Fish
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Ever had questions about breeding aquarium fish
These tips are designed to give you the basics on breeding aquarium fish. For detailed information, check out our breeders’ page and our betta fish care FAQ which will answer almost any question you may have.
1. If you’re intending to breed betta fish, make sure that you have a healthy male and female betta. Remember, you get to practice a little bit of eugenics here. The more beautiful the parents, the more beautiful your baby betta fish will be. You might as well spend a few dollars to buy betta fish that are absolutely stunning.
2. Once you have your breeding betta pair picked out we need to condition them for breeding.
3. Do a full water change, use Aqua-Plus water conditioner so that there is no residual chlorine or heavy metals in the betta tank,
4. Change 20 percent of the water each day. This keeps the bettas in clean water which is imperative when breeding aquarium fish. Ensure that the water you’re adding is the same temperature as the water in the tank.
5. How to breed betta fish diet. Keep your bettas on a diet of Nutrafin Betta Max food and you can give them a few freeze-dried bloodworms per day. The happier they are with their diet, the sooner they’ll be ready to mate.
6. Start introducing the female betta to the male betta fish for a few minutes per day. You can put her directly in the tank with the male if you keep a close eye that he is not beating her up. Preferably, place the female in a divided betta tank where the male betta fish can see her.
7. You’ll know that their ready to mate when the female plumped up a little and the male is building a beautiful betta fish bubble nest.
8. Put the female betta in the tank with the male for 30 minutes at a time. If they don’t mate, try again tomorrow. If your male betta is not in the mood to do the deed, he’ll soon start to fight with your female betta.
9. Once the male has squeezed the eggs out of the female and deposited them into his betta bubblenest, take the female betta out of the tank. Her job is done.
10. The male betta will care for the betta fish eggs over the next couple days until the betta fry hatch. Once they do, take the male betta out of the tank, as they sometimes decide to eat all their betta fish babies.
Breeding betta fish
Feeding betta fish
Baby Betta fish
Betta fish eggs
Betta fish bubble nest
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More betta fish for sale than you can imagine
Thanks!! We now have Betta fish babies!
Betta Fish females were hard to find…thanks for hooking us up with female to breed our male betta